전자문제집 CBT
각종 자격증 기출문제를 컴퓨터를 이용하여 풀기(해설, 자동채점, 오답노트, 모의고사, 틀린문제 모아풀기)
Version: 1.19
Program available in: Korean
Program license: Free
Program by: 전자문제집 CBT(해설제공)
전자문제집 CBT is an Android app developed by 전자문제집 CBT(해설제공) (경남 고성군 동외로 198번길 98-12).
전자문제집 CBT first became available on 08 Aug 2012. It is estimated that 전자문제집 CBT has been downloaded between 500000 and 1000000 times from the Play Store.
전자문제집 CBT 1.19 requires the following permissions:
Allows applications to open network sockets.

Programs similar to 전자문제집 CBT
Q-Net mobile app is available through the mobile information services such as the qualification test schedule, application submission, Announcement.
각종 시험 일정 정보 2016
In one application of the various test schedule information ~